Child-Care Policies
5In order to provide a safe environment for all of our children at Kool Cats, including monitoring of drop off and pick up and food menus, it is important that you and we adhere to our strict set of child care policies. Please read through our policies and contact us with any questions you have.
- All registration forms must be completed legibly and in full. We must be informed of all changes to your child’s form, e.g. telephone numbers, workplace, changes at home, etc.
- Only you or those listed on your child’s registration form are permitted to pick up your child. If a person is unknown to the staff member, he or she will be asked to produce identification and/or wait until the parent is contacted.
- Your child will not be permitted to go home alone unless there is prior written notification. This notification must be given to the supervisor of the program by the child’s parent or guardian.
- Children arriving at the facility are to be delivered directly to a child care staff member. Dropping your child off at the front door is unacceptable. Please make sure a staff member notices you when you arrive and/or pick up your child before you leave the centre. You are required to sign your child in and out every day.
- Please make sure you child’s clothes are suitable for indoor and outdoor play activities and are appropriate for weather conditions. A supply of extra clothes (marked with your child’s name) would be beneficial. Your child must have a spare set of footwear to be kept at the centre. Runners are best (with non-marking soles), but anything with rubber soles will do.
- Children who are ill must not be sent to the facility. A child who has any of the following symptoms must be kept home; if they develop these symptoms while in our care, parents will be contacted to pick them up. Please inform your child’s supervisor of all illnesses your child comes down with so we can notify other parents to watch for symptoms.
- Temperature over 37.5C (taken in armpit)
- Other Childhood Ailments (Chicken Pox, Mumps, Measles, etc.)
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Runny Nose with a Yellow/Green Discharge
- Red, Itchy Eyes
- Undiagnosed Rash
- Swollen Glands
- Sore Throat
- Head Lice
- Child-care staff will only administer prescription medication to children. The medications must be in their original bottles with labels including the child’s name and drug name. Parents are required to fill out and sign a consent form before any medication is given.
- One month’s notice is required should you choose to leave the program. Otherwise, the month’s fee will be forfeited.
- Fees are due before the 7th of each month. We do not accept Interact, Credit Cards, Cash or Cheques – E-Transfers ONLY. We charge an additional $5 per day for fees paid after the 7th of the month. If the fees are not paid by the end of the month, your service may be temporarily suspended until payment is received.
- If your child is away for a day, we must be informed; this is especially important if you child is utilizing our transportation service. If your child is not here, we will make every effort to contact you to discover their whereabouts. Your co-operation is appreciated in this matter.
- Children requiring our transportation service must be at the designated meeting place by the agreed upon time or risk being left behind. The children are to meet at the flagpole in front of the school as soon as the bell rings. If your child misses the bus, they must go to the school office and ask the secretary to phone the facility; the bus will return at its earliest convenience. If your child is continually late for the bus, an extra fee will be charged and we may be forced to discontinue the transportation service.
- Please supply a nutritious morning snack and lunch for your child on days he will be in the program for morning and lunch. Afternoon snacks are provided.
- Money should not be sent to the facility, unless requested by your child’s supervisor. The staff will put your child’s spending money in a baggie and keep it for the field trips.
- For any child who has a repeated behaviour problem, staff will discuss and devise a plan of action with the parents. If this is unsuccessful, the child may be asked to withdraw from the program. For further information on the discipline policy, please ask the supervisor of the program.
- The facility will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. A late charge of $1 per minute will be charged if you pick up your child after 5:30 p.m.; this fee is due when your child is picked up. The facility is closed on statutory holidays.
- For the first part of the school year, kindergarten children may attend school at various times; we will have care available for them. Please discuss this with your child’s supervisor to ensure that there are no mix-ups in the days and times for pick up and care.
- A monthly newsletter and calendar will be given to parents at the beginning of each month; a program calendar will also be included. Check out the day’s activity and snacks and let us know of any concerns. Also, please make sure you read the information on the parent board on a daily basis.
- Should an emergency occur, we will contact you or your alternate contact as soon as the emergency permits. If an emergency needs medical attention, the child will be transported by ambulance to the hospital.
- On a more personal note, we would appreciate knowing if there are any “happenings” at home or at school that may affect your child’s behaviour. This will help us to understand any unusual behaviours your child may display at the facility and assist us in providing the best care possible for your child.
- A complete version of the policies is available at the office and via the link at the bottom of this page and they are updated periodically with Board Approval.
Important Information
Link captionStandard Procedures
We at Kool Cats Kid Care have some standard procedures to ensure your child’s happiness and safety and to make sure we communicate well with each other. Please take some time to read through this important information.
- You are required to sign your child in and out every day. There is a designated spot for this sign in sheet for each program.
- Please provide a clean pair of indoor shoes (non-marking soles) and a spare set of clothes to keep at Kool Cats.
- Invoices and receipts are now issued electronically. Please watch for emails from Sage. If you do not receive these emails, check your spam folder or contact Jessie for assistance
- Please call us when your child will not be attending at 250-964-2668 or email us Gladstone Facility Manager Malaspina Facility Manager or Floor Supervisor . We worry about your children if they fail to show and will call your home and work if you forget to let us know.
- We are a NUT & SEED FREE ZONE! Please refer to the information located on our Policies.
- School Age Care is open for all non-instructional days and school breaks; there is an extra charge for these days. We do require a minimum number to remain open. Please make sure to call us if your child will not be attending; if they are a no-show, you will be charged for the day.
- Summer is different from the school year – your attendance is not mandatory in order to keep your space in the fall.
Preschool Policies